
Flow Meter for Mining Sewage Sludge

Flow Meter Limbah Pertambangan

‎Mining Waste Flow Meter‎‎ – This article discusses what flow meters are suitable for mining waste processes. Mining waste in question in the form of overburden, gangue, tailings mixed with water (mud).‎ ‎It’s no secret that mining can generate a lot of waste. This is evident by a quick look at each mining operation and […]

Flow Meter To Measure Discharge on Open Channel

Flow meter untuk pipa tidak penuh

‎Open Channel Flow Meter is a channel used to drain water on open ssitem where it is widely used to drain water into rivers or sewage treatment reservoirs. For this we can use flow meters with this type of‎ Level Sensor ultrasonic Velocity Sensor ultrasonic In Line Electromagnetic flow meter Clamp on Ultrasonic flow meter […]

Types of Seawater Flow Meter

Flow meter ultrasonic untuk aliran gravitasi

‎This type of Sea Flow Meter has enough variants to effectively measure sea water discharge which is often applied to hotels, power plants or sea water distillation processes. This sea water flow meter must have a character resistant to sea water vapor and resistant to salt content.‎ ‎The type of sea water flow meter that […]

Type of Calibration On Flow Meter

Flowma Wmag21 Electromagnetic flow meter

‎The type of calibration flow meter has 2 types, namely, dry and wet calibration, before we discuss more deeply let us first understand the meaning of calibration which is a procedure to maintain the accuracy of a tool. The measuring value of an instrument is compared to the value known or preferred by standard. ‎ […]

Ultrasonic Flow Meter : Working Principle, Types, and Advantages

Ultrasonic Flow Meter: Working Principle, Types, and Advantages

‎Ultrasonic Flow Meter is a flow meter whose ‎‎way of working‎‎ to measure or calculate the flow speed of a fluid by using ultra sound for flow rate accumulation.‎ Pengertian Ultrasonic Flow Meter ‎With the known flow speed, it can be calculated flow rate by knowing the area of support of a flow path. Ultrasonic […]

Insertion Flow Meter : Definition, function, and applications

Insertion Flow Meter

‎Insertion Flow Meter: Understanding, Functionality, and Application can provide a low-cost alternative to a full-flow drill device that can take up a lot of space, involves a lot of effort to install and presents special difficulties when it comes to service or calibration.‎ ‎Definition of Insertion Flow Meter‎ ‎The Insertion Flow Meter measures the speed […]

9 Recommended Flow Meters Based on Type

Flowma Wmag21 Electromagnetic flow meter

‎Flow Meter is a unit of measurement on the movement of fluids or fluids that are familiar to workers in the field of construction, mining, etc. In everyday life we often encounter such measurement tools such as regulators on gases, water pumps, and PGN gas meters. Before we discuss about “9 Flow Meter Recommendations Based […]

How to Choose the Type of Flow Meter

Liquid Turbine flow meter

‎How to choose a ‎‎flow meter‎‎ which is an instrument to measure the flow of a fluid either liquid (liquid ‎‎flowmeter),‎‎sludge (sludge ‎‎flow meter)‎‎or gas (gas flow meter), both with low and high temperature though. In choosing the type of flow meter must be adjusted to the fluid condition and the function of the flowmeter […]

Glass Tube Flow Meter : Definition, Working Principle and Application

Glass Tube Flow Meter

‎Glass tube flow meter is basically a type of ‎‎variable area flow meter‎‎ or ‎‎rotameter‎‎ where the way it works depends on the cross-sectional area of the tube, In its application the material of this type of flow meter is available several types from stainless steel, pvc, teflon to aluminum materials.‎ ‎Glass tube flow meters […]

Measuring Discharge In Open Channel Dams

Open Channel Flow Meter

‎Measure discharge on open channel dams using JAIN Xonic X100 LM Ultrasonic Open channel flow meters using large transducers for open channels that are over 2 meters long and small transducers for smaller sites under 2 meters. The system transducer has its own design patent.‎ ‎Definition of Open Channel Flow Meter‎ ‎Open Channel Flow Meter […]