
‎Flowmasonic WUF 500 is currently very popular with engineers in the field of insturment, especially the type of clamp on installation. This is because of its quick and easy installation. The way it is installed, there is no need to cut or perforate the pipe, but the transducer is simply taped to the outer surface of the pipe that has been placed.‎

sea water flow meter
Clamp on ultrasonic flow meter wuf 500


‎The flowmeter type of ultrasonic Flowmasonic WUF 500 is a type of flow meter with clamp on installation that can be installed on various types of materials and the size of pipe diameter. The diameter of the pipe that can be installed starts from DN 15 to DN800. This type of ultrasonic water meter has an accuracy of 1%.‎

‎How flowmasonic WUF 500 works‎

‎Flowmasonic ‎‎WUF 500‎‎ measures the speed of water flow using ultrasound. So that with the calculation of the volume that flows can be read in the ultrasonic transmitter WUF 500.‎

ultrasonic flow transmitter flowma wuf 500
WUF 500 transmitter ultrasonic flow meter
Sensor ultrasonic clamp on flow meter
transducer ultrasonic clamp on flow meter wuf 500

‎Using ultrasonic sensors or ultrasonic transducers can measure ‎‎the average speed of fluid flow in a pipe. The principle of the WUF 500 ultrasonic flowmeter is to measure the average time difference, between the delivery time and reception of the signal with the direction of flow. So that flow velocity., which is then calculated with the cross-sectional area of the pipe can be obtained flow rate or flow volume in the pipe.‎

‎The wuf 500 CF type of fowmeter clamp on ultrasonic consists of ultrasonic or transducer sensors and flow computers or ultrasonic transmitters. The function of ultrasonic transducer is as a sensor to detoxify the speed of water flow in the pipe that is passed to the ultrasonic flow transmitter. The data is then processed by calculating the calculation of distance to the time difference from ultrasonic sound wave emission so that it can velocity from the grain in the pipe.‎

‎Specifications of Flowmasonic WUF 500 CF‎

‎This flow meter clamp on ultrasonic has the ability to detoxify the flow at a speed of 0.001 to 10 m / s. with an accuracy of 1%. But in reality on the ground, especially in large pipe sizes the maximum flow speed only ranges from 6 m / s to 7 m / s.‎

‎This type of liquid that can be detected by flow meters is only for water types and cannot detect oil or other types of liquids.‎

‎The types of pipe materials allowed are Carbon Steel, Stainless Steel, PVC, Copper, Aluminum, Fiber Glass, Cast Iron, etc.‎

‎Types and Types of Outputs available in the form of:‎

  • Pulse Output: 0∼9999 Hz, OCT, (min. and max. frequency is adjustable)
  • Relay Output : 1A/30VDC, 0.3A/125VAC
  • Analog Output (Optional): 4∼20mA max load 750Ω
  • Communication Interface : RS323 (standard), RS485 (optional), Baud rate 9600bps∼115200bps

‎To set up by applying the selection menu equipped with key ped 16 (4×4) key with tactile action. So that it facilitates optimization. While the power suply available is 10∼24VAC or 10∼36 VDC 1A (max).‎

‎Tamplan display is quite clear by using 40 characters, 2 lines (20×2) alphanumeric lattice, backlit LCD. while the maximum temperature of liquid allowed in the standard transducer type is a maximum of 0ºC∼60ºC.‎

‎For optimization of the corrosive environment both due to weather, chemical vapor and sea water vapor such as in pltu material for transmitter box using non-metal material or PC / ABS IP65. While the transducer type already uses the IP68 protection class so it is safe if the tansducer is submerged in water.‎

‎Ultrasonic Flow Meter Installation Step and Method that is widely known by the industry is a type of portable flow meter. How to use it is enough to attach ultrasonic sensors on the surface of the pipe so that the pipe does not need to be cut or perforated.‎

‎Flow meters clamp on there are permanently installed and some are used portablely. It is widely used for flow testing in pipes to confirm flow capacity. Clamp on ultrasonic flow meter can be installed on any type of pipe material as well as for various sizes of pipe diameter.‎

‎How to Install Flowmasonic WUF 500‎

‎The way of installation of the WUF 500 ultrasonic flow meter is an ultrasonic transducer simply in the paste on the outer surface of the pipe and continued by compressing it. Ultrasonic transducer which is a flow sensor, can be installed at a pipe size of 1 inch to 40 inches with the type of pipe material according to the menu.‎

‎ Read Also :‎

‎The steps of installation of the 500 CF wuf ultrasonic flow meter are very simple and easy especially for those who do not want production to stop. Transducer or ultrasonic sensors are simply taped to the outer surface of the pipe and then in the clamp. An important step in installation that needs to be considered is the data of pipes and liquids.‎

‎What needs to be considered during installation is, the position of the point where the transducer clamp on ultrasonic is installed. Here we have to be careful about the distance up stream or down stream.‎

‎See the operational manual of the ultrasonic clamp flow meter on flowmasonic WUF 500 CF and follow the standards specified by the manufacture. For installation in the out door should ultrasonic transducer protected bracket to avoid a change in position that results in the reading results.‎

‎Before doing the installation, you should take data on diameter, material type, and pipe thickness, transducer type and others. Input the data in accordance with the actual conditions. The ability to read ultrasonic flow meters depends on the accuracy of data entry needed.‎

  • ‎Before installing a flow meter, make sure the completeness of the ultrasonic flow meter that we buy. For ultrasonic transit time consists of 3 main compounds, namely 1 set of transducers, cables and 1 unit of ultrasonic transmitter. While other accessories needed during installation are transducer bracket, clamp on and ultrasonic gel.‎
  • ‎Determine the location of the pipe installed transducer, follow the upstream and down stream distance requirements and make sure the laminer flow.‎
  • ‎Determine the type of transducer installation i.e. Type Z (opposite), Type V (parallel).‎
  • ‎Measure the Outer Diameter and thickness of the pipe after which input the parameters on the ultrasonic transmitter‎
  • ‎Input the type of pipe material, liner type, liquid type and mark the trasnducer distance.‎
  • ‎Prepare a pipe surface cleaner, such as sandpaper and clean the surface installed transducer‎
  • ‎Transducer installation is done by clamp binding.‎
  • ‎Set the unit of measurement in accordance with what we want, namely velocity units, flow rate and totalizer units (volume). Unit units we can choose to units of liters, m3, gallons, barrels etc. as well as units of time such as minutes, hours, seconds and days.‎
  • ‎Next is to cut off and damping followed by reset flow rate and totalizer.‎
  • ‎Flow meters are also equipped with data loggers can be set up data history storage system per certain time.‎
  • ‎For those who need analog out put should be adjusted also to 4-20 mA and check the ampere or volt.‎
  • ‎To find out the quality of the flow should be done checking the strength of the signal. If the signal is not good, the signal is rechecked paramete diameter, thickness, type of pipe and type of liquid.‎
  • ‎After all the settings are checked from the reading unit, the analog output can be continued by installing trasnmitter on the panel and cable conduite. Cable must be awake from weather and other damage and install transducer brackets so that the transducer position is not easily changed.‎
  • ‎And do not forget, all the steps above are done in the condition of the flow in the pipe must stop there is no flow. To find out the normal or not the signal should be read operational manual where the standard is adjusted to the requirements of the manufacture.‎

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