
‎Flow meter can be defined as a fluid discharge gauge in either closed flow such as in pipelines or open streams such as trenches, canals or rivers. The amount of fluid flow that moves can be detected and measured volume and flow rate and flow speed depending on the flowmeter technology used.‎

Sitelab portable ultrasonic flow meter
Portable Flow Meter SL1168P

‎The definition of flow meter as the simplest and in accordance with the progress of technology the function of the flowmeter has developed to be able to send data or input control to plc.‎

‎Flow Meter function‎

‎In its application the flow meter function is widely used to measure the flow character in the form of velocity, flow rate and total volume. In addition, for certain ‎‎types of flow meters‎‎ are able to calculate mass flow and total mass of flowing fluids.‎

‎The main flowmeter function is in accordance with how it works, namely to:‎

  • ‎Knowing the Velocity of Velocity by units of distance/ time‎
    • ‎Unit of measurement: (meter/minute, meters/second etc.‎
  • ‎Knowing the Flow Rate in the pipe‎
    • ‎Unit of measurement: (LPS, LPM, LPH, M3/H, M3/Minute, GPM, GPH etc.‎
  • ‎Know the Total Volume That Has Flowed (Totalizer)‎
    • ‎Unit Units: m3, liters, gallon etc.‎
  • ‎Provide input on the control or monitor with the output in the form of analog out put: 4-20mA, pulse, RS485, relay contact and others.‎
  • ‎And others in accordance with the purpose of installation‎

‎Flow Meter function is currently evolving from a water discharge gauge to be used as a control tool that can be monitored and controlled remotely, using android or internet network. In accordance with the development of technology that is oriented to ease, efficiency and speed, the flow meter ‎‎function‎‎ is not just an instrument tool to monitor. ‎‎Flowmeters‎‎ are also used as tools to achieve efficiency and maintain engine performance and maintain production quality stability.‎

‎Determination of Flow Meter Type‎

‎Because there are many types of flow meter technology, we must know correctly the purpose and benefits expected in buying a flowmeter and its fluid characteristics. Each fluid has its own flow characteristics, therefore we need to know the characteristics of the fluid specification to be measured by cashew flow. Here are some things that need to be known when determining the type of flow meter, namely:‎

  • ‎Types of fluids to be measured‎
  • ‎Maximum and minimum pressure in a stream‎
  • ‎Maximum and minimum room temperature and fluid temperature‎
  • ‎Concentration, viscosity and density of fluid‎
  • ‎Acidity and conductivity levels in the fluid‎
  • ‎Information about the toxic properties of a fluid‎
  • ‎Possible presence of bubbles (bubbles or foams) in the pipeline flow‎

Checking sea water discharge at pltu

‎Before determining the‎‎ type of‎‎ flow meter, it is advisable to determine whether flow rate information is more useful if presented in mass or volume units. When measuring the flow of compressible materials, volumetric flow is not very meaningful unless the density (and sometimes also viscosity) is constant.‎

‎When the speed (volumetric flow) of the compressed liquid is measured, the presence of suspended bubbles will cause errors, therefore, air and gas must be removed before the liquid reaches the flow meter. In other speed sensors, pipe liners can cause problems (ultrasonic), or the meter will stop functioning if the Reynolds number is too low.‎

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