





Differential Pressure Flow Meter : Working Principle, Function, and Application

Differential Pressure Flowmeter

‎Differential Pressure Flow Meter or DP Flow Meter is the most common flow meter. The vast amount of experience (measurement techniques have been around for 100 years) is reflected in the large number of appearances. Differential pressure flow gauges measure volume flow in gases, liquids, and vapors.‎ Definition of Differential Pressure Flow Meter ‎Differential Pressure […]

Open Channel Flow Meter: Definition, Working Principle, and Application

Flow meter untuk pipa tidak penuh

‎Open Channel Flow Meter which this time we discussed is one of the various types of flow meters whose use to measure the capacity of medium or large alira in the channel or trench.‎ ‎Definition of Open Channel Flow Meter‎ ‎Open Channel Flow Meter is a flow meter that is applied to measure medium or […]

Gas Meter : Definition, How It Works, and Application

Diaphragm Gas Meters Zenner

‎A gas meter is a special flow meter that can measure the volume of gaseous fuels such as propane and natural gas. It is difficult to measure the volume of a gas because the volume measured is strongly influenced by pressure and temperature.‎ ‎Definition of Gas Meter‎ ‎Gas meter, a device to measure the quantity […]