





Flow Meter Installation Type

Ultrasonic Portable flow meter flowmasonic wuf100J

‎Flow Meter Installation type has various types such as inline flow meter, insertion flow meter, clamp-on flow meter, open channel flow meter. Before discussing the type of flow meter installation, let’s discuss the definition of flow meters as follows.‎ ‎Definition of Flow Meter‎ ‎A flow meter is‎‎ an instrumentation device used to measure the flow […]

Water Flow Meter for Large Pipe Size

Water Flow Meter for Large Pipe Size

The selection of the type of flow meter, based on the method of installation, has an important role in reducing all of the above costs. Therefore, before determining the type of flow meter to buy, it’s a good idea to consider the type and model of the flow meter from the type of installation. In […]

Flowma WUF 200 Ultrasonic Flow Watch

Flowma WUF 200 ultrasonic flow watch is very unique in its structural design. It uses a circular magnetic steel to achieve automatic connection during installation. It takes only 2-3 minutes to complete the whole process from installation to measurement. It also adopts the current popular OLED display, which makes it easy to read in low […]

Flow Meter Ultrasonic Clamp on Flowma WUF300 CF

Flow Meter Ultrasonic Flowma WUF300CF adalah jenis flow meter clamp on yang sistem instalasinya tidak memotong pipa maupun melubangi pipa. Sensor ultrasonic cukup ditempel di permukaan lluar pipa kemudian di beri bracket dan di clamp. Ultrasonic Flowmeter Flowma WUF300CF dapat di pasang pada semua jenis material pipa seperti carbon steel, stainless steel, PVC, HDPE dan […]

SiteLab SL1278 Handheld Ultrasonic Flowmeter

SiteLab SL1278 Ultrasonic Flowmeter Portable Ultrasonic Flowmeter Enables the user to do flow measurement checks at many points in a flow process without the need for a permanent installation. This Universal transit-time meter features a dual-funtion push button interface, ergonomic handheld design and a beautiful 3.5 inch TFT Backlit digital display that significantly simplifies setup […]

Cara mengukur debit air dengan flow meter clamp-on

Pengecekan debit air sering menjadi kendala dalam pemasangan pompa serta instalasi pemipaan. Banyak yang berasumsi Pressure pompa merupakan solusi dari besar kecilnya aliran suatu cairan dalam pemipaan. Padahal alat untuk mengecek tekanan suatu air mengguankan pressure gauge, dimana hanya menunjukan besar kecilnya suatu tekanan air yang berada didalam jaringan pipa. Sementara Banyak para engineer ingin […]