Accuracy of Electromagnetic Water Meter

Accuracy of Electromagnetic Water Meter is mainly based on Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction. At present, electromagnetic water meters are mainly pipe type electromagnetic water meters and plug-in electromagnetic water meters, which are water meters specially used for trade settlement between water companies and users. Although the electromagnetic water meter has greatly increased the interference […]
Flow Meter Comparison Based on Application

Flow Meter Type Comparison When compared with traditional mechanical air meters, electromagnetic air meters and ultrasonic air meters have the advantages of low initial flow rate, range ratio, high measurement accuracy and stable wide operation. Flow Meter Comparison Based on Application There are no moving parts and flow-blocking components inside, and it is not affected […]
Electromagnetic Flow Meter : Working Principle, Types, and Advantages

Electromagnetic flow meter or Magnetic Flow Meter and often called magmeter is a type of flow meter that has no moving parts (moving part). What is Electromagnetic Flow Meter? This electromagnetic flow meter is ideal when used for measuring inhomogeneous fluid flows, dirty liquids, liquids containing mud or for waste fluids or intake water, raw […]
Water Flow Meter for Large Pipe Size

The selection of the type of flow meter, based on the method of installation, has an important role in reducing all of the above costs. Therefore, before determining the type of flow meter to buy, it’s a good idea to consider the type and model of the flow meter from the type of installation. In […]
Flow Meter Electromagnetic untuk Kalibrasi
Flow Meter Electromagnetic untuk Kalibrasi yang mungkin sudah tidak asing lagi dengan istilah meteran arus air, namun tahukah Anda apa fungsi spesifik dari meter air? Meteran air elektromagnetic akurat dan terdiri dari bahan stainless steel anti korosi, yang juga akan menghindari kerugian yang disebabkan oleh lingkungan luar. Flow Meter Electromagnetic untuk Kalibrasi Fungsi elektromagnetic juga […]
Flowmag WMAG21 Electromagnetic Water Flow Meter

Flowmag WMAG21 Electromagnetic Water Flow Meter is a type of flow meter Electromagnetic Flow Meter, which is one type of flow measurement, the product we will discuss today is the WMAG21 Electromagnetic Water Flow Meter Introduction Flowmag WMAG21 Electromagnetic series intelligent electromagnetic flowmeter is made according to the law of electromagnetic induction to measure conductivity […]
iMAG 4700 Seametric Electromagnetic Water Flow Meter
The iMAG 4700 flow meter is the most economical flanged electromagnetic flowmeter on the market. With electrodes designed to discourage fouling, it is available in 3” to 12” pipe in municipal or industrial water, waste and reclaimed water, pump stations, and packaged plant applications. Minimal straight pipe requirements allow the iMAG-Series flow meter to be […]