Author: Mochamad Naufal Habib

  • Rheonik RHM02L Corioliss Mass Flow Sensor

    Rheonik RHM02L Corioliss Mass Flow Sensor

    Rheonik RHM02L Corioliss Mass Flow Sensor is a meter designed for general purpose flow measurement without the need for maintenance.  Robust and accurate, the RHM20 outperforms other flow technologies at an attractively low cost of ownership. Rheonik RHM02L Feature Pressure ratings up to 20000 psi / 1379 bar Temperature ratings from -196 to 350°C(-320 to… Read more

  • Flow Meter Electromagnetic untuk Kalibrasi

    Flow Meter Electromagnetic untuk Kalibrasi yang mungkin sudah tidak asing lagi dengan istilah meteran arus air, namun tahukah Anda apa fungsi spesifik dari meter air? Meteran air elektromagnetic akurat dan terdiri dari bahan stainless steel anti korosi, yang juga akan menghindari kerugian yang disebabkan oleh lingkungan luar. Flow Meter Electromagnetic untuk Kalibrasi Fungsi elektromagnetic juga… Read more

  • Portable Ultrasonic Flow Meter Flowma WUF 400 J

    Portable Ultrasonic Flow Meter Flowma WUF 400 J is an ultrasonic flow meter based on transit-time schematic design and Designed using the digital technology and low-voltage integrated circuit,it has broadband pulse transmission. While principally designed for full-pipe and clean liquid applications. Flowma WUF 400 J is tolerant of liquids with small amounts of air bubbles… Read more

  • Flowma WUF 300 J Portable Ultrasonic Flowmeter

    Flowma WUF 300 J is a full function handle transfer time ultrasonic flow meter. No matter you want to quickly verify the flow reading of another meter or to data log flow system values over an extended time period, the FLOWMA WUF 300 J is the suitable tool. The Flowma WUF 300 J portable meter… Read more

  • Flowma WUF 200 Ultrasonic Flow Watch

    Flowma WUF 200 ultrasonic flow watch is very unique in its structural design. It uses a circular magnetic steel to achieve automatic connection during installation. It takes only 2-3 minutes to complete the whole process from installation to measurement. It also adopts the current popular OLED display, which makes it easy to read in low… Read more

  • Ultrasonic Clamp on Flow Meter Flowma WUF400 CF

    Flowma WUF400 CF merupakan jenis flow meter ultrasonic yang banyak di kenal adalah jenis lfowmeter clamp on transit time model Portable yang digunakan untuk pengecekan dan pengetesan kapasitas aliran dalam pipa. Namun, saat ini mulai banyak di gunakan flow meter jenis clamp on untuk memantau besarnya total aliran dalam pipa sebagaimana tujuan pemasangan flow meter.… Read more

  • Flow Meter Ultrasonic Clamp on Flowma WUF300 CF

    Flow Meter Ultrasonic Flowma WUF300CF adalah jenis flow meter clamp on yang sistem instalasinya tidak memotong pipa maupun melubangi pipa. Sensor ultrasonic cukup ditempel di permukaan lluar pipa kemudian di beri bracket dan di clamp. Ultrasonic Flowmeter Flowma WUF300CF dapat di pasang pada semua jenis material pipa seperti carbon steel, stainless steel, PVC, HDPE dan… Read more

  • Flowmag WMAG21 Electromagnetic Water Flow Meter

    Flowmag WMAG21 Electromagnetic Water Flow Meter

    Flowmag WMAG21 Electromagnetic Water Flow Meter is a type of flow meter Electromagnetic Flow Meter, which is one type of flow measurement, the product we will discuss today is the WMAG21 Electromagnetic Water Flow Meter Introduction Flowmag WMAG21 Electromagnetic series intelligent electromagnetic flowmeter is made according to the law of electromagnetic induction to measure conductivity… Read more

  • DFC Digital Mass Flow Controller

    DFC Digital Mass Flow Controller automatically nulls the sensor zero offset whenever the flow set point is below 2% of full scale. To accommodate this feature the control valve must fully close under that condition. Provisions are made to either disable, force or store the current auto zero via digital commands. Microprocessor driven digital flow… Read more

  • Aalborg GFM Thermal Mass Gas Flow Meter

    GFM Mass Flow Meter is a low cost solution to thermal mass flow metering for gases is presented by Aalborg in introducing the model GFM mass flow meter line. The GFM design combines the convenience and accuracy of conventional mass flow devices with low costs previously unattainable. Each of these meters incorporate an advanced straight… Read more